
Optimized Academic Planning

Automates end to end process with AI, using resources efficiently (classrooms, teachers, etc.) to build quality collaborative schedules.


Optimization is also a part of the experience

Considers university’s community interests to build an academic planning that efficiently resolves the multiple needs and expectations, with process efficiency and effective results.

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Smart forecasting

Accurate estimation and collaborative review of the number of students expected to be enrolled in each course.

Student enrollment forecasting

Simulate your students' enrollment to estimate groups demand by course, according to the rules of each academic unit. Additionally, you'll be able to automate the process and control the budget, as well as:

  • Model the curricular progress rules for each study plan and load the academic records to simulate the individual enrollment for each student.
  • Automatically incorporate enrollment simulations, to build the course demands. 
  • Predict course demands by using historical trends and variables. Very useful for elective courses with variable curricular-progression rules.
  • Estimate the closure of academic periods in progress, through historical patterns analysis, considering the enrolled courses and their qualifications such as approved or failed.
  • Include reporting to verify student’s individual curricular progress and associated study plan, to ease decision-making

Optimized planning

Automates and efficiently uses academic resources to build high-quality collaborative schedules.

Groups and schedules simulation

You can automatically and optimally build group offerings, including schedules, teacher and classroom allocations, based on university rules and programs, as well as student characterization. Additionally, you'll be able to:

  • Organize student groups based on demand forecasts and optimizing resources by grouping together equivalent courses . 
  • Consider teachers’ profiles, availability and contracts.
  • Recognize relevant populations such as new students, graduation candidates, deserters, etc.
  • Include multi-level modeling for study-plan’s populations.
  • Consider each course particularities, establishing temporality and schedule rules and considering the capabilities of physical facilities
  • Incorporate optimization and schedules quality criteria in order to generate savings at groups' budget level.

Assisted control over planning

You can efficiently edit the academic planning, with automated validations to improve the operational management.

Collaborative schedule editing

You'll efficiently navigate, review and edit schedules and group allocations, facilitating collaboration among process related areas. You can also:

  • Explore all planning dimensions, including students’ schedules, groups, rooms, and teachers.
  • Provide controlled access to planning stakeholders with a roles/permissions scheme, allowing them to visualize schedules, to edit specific resources and to create/delete groups, or to perform other actions.
  • Enable drag-and-drop editing, as well as moving sessions in the calendar, confirming changes with one click.
  • Perform automatic validations over adjustments made, alerting users to prevent non-feasible allocations based on business rules.

Management of course offerings to students

Ensures a successful planning process together with adequate student progress, to enjoy a high-quality educational experience.

Management of groups and quotas

Administer group quotas during enrollment with interfaces, allowing bulk changes and automated validations as per established rules. All changes made are recorded for historical tracking purposes! You'll also be able to:

  • Enable collaborative work among the various roles required by the process.
  • Implement access schemes to define users with quotas’ edition capabilities, for each group.
  • Identify groups running out of quotas using predefined filters, for quick reaction and bottleneck avoidance.
  • Integrate with students enrollment with impact in real time, while quotas are being adjusted in the groups .
  • Support large volumes of user workflows and interactions during the academic period.

Technology excellence

Enjoy the peace of mind with seamless, scalable, modern and secure services supported by the best technologies, tailored to your institutional needs.

Industry-leading security practices

Compliance with highest industry security standards, handling your data with the utmost protection.

  • Integration with customer authentication systems, including OAuth and others, for efficient user authentication.
  • Implementation of HTTPS, automated backups, and encryption as best practices to secure data at both, in transit and at rest.
  • Secure password management and robust authentication through AWS Secrets Manager and Keycloak.
  • Enhanced account management security using AWS Security Hub's access control, including multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Budget savings and quality assurance

You can accurately estimate the demands and ensure the offering of groups optimizing budgets and ensuring student’s experience.

Flexibility for institutional rules

You can automatically enforce compliance with guidelines of your educational model in academic planning.

Promoting a collaborative work

You can implement efficient and collaborative processes for academic plannings’ management and maintenance.

Cloud technology


AI engines connected to user interface modules, integrated to the digital ecosystem.

100% cloud native

Infrastructure designed to fully exploit the capabilities of cloud computing.

SaaS managed by Foris

High availability enrollment service, managed and supported by Foris.

AWS best practices

AWS Cloud Architects; partnership since 2017.


Any questions?

Please contact our team, to learn more about our solutions.